Daily Affirmations
(Opening intent to be said daily)
To you my God, my Father I say thank you for this blessed day! I know that with you, and by you, and through you that all things are possible and my roads are open to receive divine blessings of every sort.
(Closing intent to be said before bed every night)
Tomorrow will be a beautiful new day filled with amazing opportunities. As I sleep, my body, my mind, and my soul rejuvenate and prepare for a bright new day. So, when I awake in the morning, I will be refreshed and open to enjoy all of the amazing adventures that await me.

Day 1
I am at peace with my past. I choose to release the past now. I move forward by letting go of the past. I choose to forgive myself and others. I am grateful and happy to experience new joys in life.

Day 2
Today I pray to thee and affirm to thee that I am a patient and loving soul who is caring and understanding. I understand that loving, caring, patient, and understanding individuals surround me in my life. In all situations, I remain steadfast and balanced. I am balanced and as a result, my daily relationships are balanced. I affirm this through you, my God!

Day 3
Today I pray to thee and affirm to thee that I love and accept myself. I understand and accept that my imperfection makes me human. Therefore I remain aware and vigilant. Today I strive to perfect myself as I grow and learn about this lifetime. I affirm that I will evolve into a more perfect soul through you, my God!

Day 4
Today I pray to thee and affirm that I am responsible for myself. I release any unnecessary or hidden stress and allow my body and mind to relax into a comfortable state of being. I am calm and relaxed. I have a positive and optimistic mental attitude. Through you my God, I am in control of my world and my body!

Day 5
Today I pray to thee and affirm that I relish the work that I do and am grateful for this opportunity. I work with some wonderful and empathetic people. The people I work with are pleasant and helpful. I will get along splendidly with all of the people I work with and we all work towards the same goals and ideals through you, my God!

Day 6
Today I pray to thee and affirm that my financial situation will improve every second of every day. Each moment brings me new opportunities and the right people are aligning themselves within my life in order to assist me. My debt decreases and my net worth increases. Financial opportunities are abundant and I will do good things to show my worthiness for your blessings. Through you my God growth is everywhere and I shall attain it!

Day 7
I love my personality and I love me. I am charming and delightful to be around. People enjoy my company and I enjoy theirs. I am full of charisma and I love it.

My body is amazing and I love my body. In order to show the deep love and respect for my body, I choose to eat healthy foods. Each moment I decide to eat or drink something, I am conscious of the impact it will have on my overall health thus I will make healthy choices.